Yr Ysgwrn

Musée | Blaenau Ffestiniog | Wales | Royaume Uni

Yr Ysgwrn est une ferme historique à Blaenau Ffestiniog, connue comme le foyer du poète gallois Hedd Wyn. Le musée rend hommage à la vie et au travail de ce poète célèbre et est un lieu important de commémoration des tragédies de la Première Guerre mondiale. La maison est située dans le paysage pittoresque du parc national de Snowdonia et reflète la vie dans un environnement rural au début du 20ème siècle.

Le musée se concentre sur l'histoire de Hedd Wyn, tombé lors de la Première Guerre mondiale et ayant remporté à titre posthume le prestigieux "Chair" au National Eisteddfod, un concours littéraire gallois. Une attraction particulière du musée est les "Chaises bardiques", reconnaissance symbolique des poètes dans le contexte culturel gallois, exposées dans la collection du musée.

En plus de l'histoire de Hedd Wyn, le musée met en lumière l'importance plus large de la Première Guerre mondiale et la réaction culturelle du Pays de Galles aux grandes pertes de cette époque. Le musée permet aux visiteurs d'en apprendre davantage sur la vie rurale, la culture galloise et l'héritage de la poésie, offrant un aperçu profond de la perte et des sacrifices de la guerre.

À travers des expositions interactives et des visites guidées, Yr Ysgwrn offre une occasion unique de découvrir le lien entre la littérature galloise, la guerre et l'héritage culturel. C'est un lieu de réflexion et un symbole de mémoire pour les nombreux jeunes hommes qui ont perdu la vie pendant la guerre.




Unnamed Road
LL41 4UW Blaenau Ffestiniog

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Dimanche10:30 - 17:00
Mardi10:30 - 17:00
Mercredi10:30 - 17:00
Jeudi10:30 - 17:00
Vendredi10:30 - 17:00
Samedi10:30 - 17:00


113 Avis

Joe moriarty

Stunningly beautiful setting. Lovely place to spend a few hours and enjoy a coffee and relax
Jane Vaughan Gronow

Anhygoel..lle arbennig. Diolch yn fawr i holl staff am y croeso ac yn bod mor garedig. Jx
Alison Weyen Martin

This place is amazing. The farmhouse is just as Hedd Wyn would have known it. Seeing the five chairs is incredible and the staff are really wonderful. Must see for any fan of hedd wyn
Peter Flower

Very interesting and poignant. We had a great, knowledgeable guide showing us around.
Laura Senior

Living locally, I should have visited here before, but it was a pleasure, smashing guide and so, so quiet! It was easy to imagine how Hedd Wyn gained his inspiration.
Sian Morris

Lovely little place with local welsh history. Well kept. Nice traditional building well kept. Cafe and little shop
Christine Kinnear

Quietly interesting in a thoughtful sort of way. A story of a talented family with a long history struck by tragedy many times over,
TakeonL 56

Went with school ,lovely staff.
Hefin Owen

It said on the website it was open 10am - 5.pm on Tuesday - we arrived,not allowed in! the lady said they are closed till Easter! Better sort out the website please.
Tom W

Lovely place to visit. Albeit small, it certainly packs a punch and I think you can gain a greater insight into Welsh history in a few minutes here than hours elsewhere. The national park has struck a nice balance between having resources on the site and keeping the "soul" of the original farm. It speaks to such an interesting story, a confluence of different tragic threads: a changing and modernising world and its impacts on Welsh culture and language; poetry; class; pacifism and religion. A special thank you to the staff member, whose name I didn't catch that was very patient with me speaking in my beginner's Welsh. She was very understanding and patient. Diolch am gadw safle pwysig.
Colin Gibson

Home of a poet, now a museum, an idealic and relaxing place to visit,you can sit in the garden and enjoy the views or have a walk about
Robert Mansel Lewis

Anyone discovering Wales with a sense of purpose needs to put this on the itinerary. A quiet but incredibly dignified spot.
Peter Thompson

We enjoyed the museum and the service inthe cafe.
Julie Lakey

An interesting place to visit, with beautiful views across to Snowdonia. There's a small cafe and friendly and helpful staff. A staff member gives a talk in the cottage and there's a film about it to watch in the cafe area. The black chair was beautiful. No dogs allowed. We walked our aling the lane before and after the visit, which takes about 2 hrs. You must book your tour in advance.
Mark Parry

The staff are extremely friendly. Highly recommended
Julie Miles

Such an interesting place - could not believe we'd spent 5 hours there! The staff were very welcoming and knowledgeable. Beautiful Lost Words exhibition at the moment. Poetry, nature and oral history - well worth a visit.
Lloyd Thomas

Lle hanesyddol iawn, a chael ein tywys gan arbennigwraig croeshawgar a gwybodus iawn. Diolch.
Susan Yates

Didn't know what to expect when I visited here, so I was pleasantly surprised to find out what there was to see. The house that a famous Welsh poet lived in is available to view with a guided tour. This costs £7.50. Otherwise you can just look around the visitors centre and the surrounding area. A place I will go back to next time I'm in Wales.
Julie Boltwood

Moving story of Hedd Wen in his family home, unchanged since his time. And the famous black chair is incredible. Fantastic staff - enthusiastic and knowledgeable, they make the history come alive - diolch yn fawr!
carys edwards

Profiad arbennig iawn oedd cael ein tywys o amgylch Yr Ysgwrn heddiw gan Glain.Sgwrs ddiddorol iawn a mi oedd hi yn wybodus dros ben..wedi wir fwynhau.Diolch.
Ian Williams

Lle braf a phwysig i'n hanes ni fel Cymru Cymraeg a Chymreig!

Very good and informative about the life of Hedd Wyn / Elis Evans with stunning snowdonia views
Hilary Harrison

Authentic Welsh farmhouse, stunning location. Home to Hedd Wyn museum and family home. Cafe, tea room and shop. Opportunity to see several Eisteddfod chairs.
Bryan Roberts

Rhaid bob Cymro mynd i ymweld a'r ty Hedd Wyn. Mae'n lle mor hyfryd yn achlusurol bod cartref o un o ein beirdd gorau.
John Evans

Well worth visiting. Our guide was fantastic. Very interesting,well done..
Jim Verity

This museum showcasing Hedd Wynn the shepherd poet, is amazing set in a working farmyard. The artefacts in the house are original and the poet's uncle lived there until very recently. The lady who showed us round was knowledgeable, and friendly nothing too much trouble. Lower down the hill was a gift shop museum and cafe a warm coffee and slice of barabrith on such a windy day went down a treat.
Jane Daniels

Authentic. The best of Welsh culture, history & hospitality. Diolch!
Carrie Thompson

Beautiful place


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